Statement regarding tragic events at Charles University

December 22, 2023

3 min

Photo: Charles University

With deep sadness and regret, we have been following the tragic event that occurred yesterday at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University, in Prague. In such moments, there are no words that can adequately express our sorrow, and we would like to express our deepest condolences to all the bereaved. This tragedy should never have happened, serving as a stark reminder of the importance of ensuring the safety of our university communities.With deep sadness and regret, we have been following the tragic event that occurred yesterday at the Facu

lty of Arts, Charles University, in Prague. In such moments, there are no words that can adequately express our sorrow, and we would like to express our deepest condolences to all the bereaved. This tragedy should never have happened, serving as a stark reminder of the importance of ensuring the safety of our university communities.

We express our support to the Faculty of Arts, Charles University, and all those affected by this incident. We also call upon all who wish to contribute to support the University's Foundation aiding the families of victims and students in difficult times. As of today, the collection has raised more than 732,000 EUR, a wonderful display of solidarity and compassion. If you are interested in contributing, you can find more information at the Endowment Fund of Charles University website.

Through our parent company M2C, we have contributed an amount of 4,070 EUR to the Endowment Fund.

For our company, originally founded by enthusiastic students, yesterday's tragedy is a particularly sensitive topic. We have long been collaborating with university students, organizing student internships, and have graduates among our ranks.

There has been a persistent emphasis on the need for preventive security measures for educational institutions. Yesterday's event starkly highlighted the current state of school security, which is at a dismal level, often undermined by the fact that the protection of buildings is frequently underestimated. Unfortunately, this is driven by the public procurement law, where the sole criterion is often cost rather than quality. Security is often provided by untrained or incompetent individuals and organizations that are unable to meet the necessary requirements or lack sufficient knowledge. Frequently, there is no security analysis, which is the foundation of the entire security system. Unfortunately, there is often no plan on how to respond to such an event, as occurred yesterday.

Similar tragedies can be to some extent prevented. Therefore, we believe that public administration should thoroughly reconsider the ways in which facilities are secured.

Now, more than ever, we need to stand together and support each other. Thank you for your kindness and solidarity in this difficult time.

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